
Academic Writing & Speaking Support is located on the 1st floor of the McGraw-Page Library, inside of the Higgins Academic Center.

Academic Writing & Speaking Tutoring

For Students

Academic Writing & Speaking Tutoring provides students with peer writing and speaking support. We offer practice spaces and one-on-one or group consultations and feedback for writing and oral communication/presentation assignments.

“Any Subject, Any Level, at Any Stage”

HAC Tutor Motto

For Faculty

At the request of faculty, our trained tutors can conduct workshops to support course-specific writing and oral communication projects and assignments. As well, the Director, Dr. Seth Clabough, is available to work with faculty one-on-one or as a group to support writing and speaking in the curriculum.

Why 51³Ô¹ÏÍø an Academic Writing Tutor?

We are staffed by friendly, faculty-recommended students. Our tutors share a deep interest in writing and welcoming disposition.

We can help

Feeling uncertain about how to write an upcoming paper? Not sure what your professor is asking for? A little unclear about your organization? Are you great with grammar but not so clear on those commas? We’re the ones you can come to for help before you turn that paper in.

Different tutoring times depending on what you need

We offer 25 minute and 55 minute tutoring sessions, so you can pick based on what you need. Students can always make follow-up appointments after their first set of revisions.

We can help with other forms of writing, too!

We specialize in academic papers, but we do more as well! If you want help with an application, a short story, or a submission to graduate school, we can give you feedback on that too.

Why visit an Academic Speaking Tutor?

We are staffed by friendly-faculty-recommended students. Our tutors help their peers with presentational or small group communication.

Help from the start

You don’t need to have a completed presentation before coming to the Center, just bring your assignment, and what you’ve completed so far! We can help.

Low-stress environment

Tutors create a friendly low-stress environment where students can practice and help with approaches to alleviating speaking anxiety.

The feedback

Tutors provide feedback on everything from organization to delivery. Some of these areas include: finding a topic for presentation; generating ideas; organizing ideas, practicing, practicing group work, and receiving feedback.

The consulting space

A private Speaking Studio provides students (whether individual or group) the opportunity to privately practice their presentations. At the request of the student, tutors can record the practice session and go over areas of improvement.

What Should I Bring With Me?

You should bring your assignment sheet, whatever you’ve completed of your paper or presentation (digital or print), and a willingness to work with your tutor or consultant to improve your work.

Meet the Team

Seth Clabough Headshot

Seth W. Clabough

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D., English, Aberystwyth University
  • M.A., English, University of South Carolina
  • B.A., English, 51³Ô¹ÏÍø

Phone: (804) 752-3031
Email: SethClabough@rmc.edu

View Seth W. Clabough’s Profile

Jill Grant Headshot

Jill Grant

Associate Dean for Student Support