
“The fraternity and sorority experience can be one of the most formative and influential experiences in a student’s career. It is an experience that lasts far beyond the four years that a student spends at RMC. It is a lifetime commitment to values congruence and accountability.”

Dr. James McGhee
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Associate Dean of Students

What are the benefits to membership in a fraternal organization?

A recent study completed at the University of Missouri showed that membership in fraternal organizations increased the likelihood that students would return to college their second year and remain through graduation. Choosing to become part of a fraternal organization also allows your student to meet new people and develop a support network in their new environment away from home. Membership gives them the opportunity to participate in many campus and chapter events, volunteer service, and to create a family of friends.

What does membership in fraternity & sorority life mean for my child academically?

The primary goal of any student attending the College should be to obtain a quality liberal arts education. In keeping with that goal, all fraternities and sororities have academic standards their members must maintain to stay in good standing with the organization. In order to help their members succeed academically, many fraternities and sororities will offer scholarship opportunities, study halls, study buddies, and/or incentive programs for academic achievement. At RMC, the average fraternity and sorority GPAs each semester are often higher when compared to the Colleges mens and womens averages.

Are fraternity and sorority members involved in other activities on campus?

Fraternities and sororities help their members to develop their leadership skills and encourage their members to become involved in leadership roles in other organizations on campus. Fraternity and sorority members are currently represented among Student Government, Commons Activities Board, Resident Assistants, athletics, and many others.

Do fraternities and sororities participate in community service?

Every school year our fraternities and sororities complete thousands of hours of service and raise thousands of philanthropy dollars. Each fraternity and sorority has a national philanthropy their organization supports throughout the year. The organizations at RMC also take great pride in taking an active role in our local community. Our organizations frequently collect cans for local food banks, work with the Adopt-A-Highway program, and organize blood drives to benefit the local Red Cross.

What does it cost to be a member of a fraternity or sorority?

There is a financial commitment required to become a member of a fraternal organization. Each chapter is supported by the dues collected from its undergraduate members. The amount of dues collected varies by organization. When a student is looking to join a fraternal organization, they should ask what the exact financial obligations involved are of the group they are interested in. The first semester in the fraternity or sorority may be slightly more expensive than latter semesters due to one-time new member fees. Similarly, when pursuing membership in a fraternal organization, potential new members should ask if there are any residency requirements to live in the organization’s campus facility.

Are there long-term benefits to being a member of a fraternity or sorority?

Joining a fraternal organization is a life-long experience. There are continued opportunities to reap the benefits of membership in these organizations. Some of these opportunities may include scholarship opportunities for post-graduate education, leadership opportunities within alumni groups locally or nationally, and continued interest in community service and philanthropy.

One of the most significant long-term benefit is the networking possibilities available to members of fraternal organizations. Relationships within fraternal organizations extend beyond the people met in college. Membership opens the doors to career networking nationally. Following graduation, fraternity and sorority alumni have also been shown to have significantly higher average income levels than students who were not affiliated with Greek-letter organizations during college. Most fraternal organizations also have alumni chapters across the country. These alumni groups provide an excellent way to meet new people and find support when a student relocates after college.

Student Safety

The health and safety of all 51勛圖厙 students is paramount. If you become aware of activities involving an RMC student(s) which may be unsafe or unlawful, please immediately notify the College:

Campus Safety:泭804.752.4710泭(Available 24/7; please call in emergency situations)

Student Engagement Center:泭804.752.3205

Dean of Students Office:804.752.7266


If you have further questions about the fraternity and sorority experience at 51勛圖厙, please reach out to the Student Engagement Center.

Email the Student Engagement Center
Phone: 804.752.3205